In Indonesian, mentioning family uses the same vocabulary as mentioning one’s own family and others. In contrast to Japanese, mentioning one’s own family with the family of another uses a different vocabulary, beginning with father, mother, grandfather, grandmother, and so on. The following are some of these vocabularies.
Family Phrases (Self)
- 家族 (かぞく、kazoku) = Family
- 両親 (りょうしん、ryoushin) = Parent
- 父 (ちち、chichi) = Father
- 母 (はは、haha) = Mother
- 兄 (あに、ani) = Older Brother
- 姉 (あね、ane) = Older Sister
- 弟 (おとうと、otouto) = Younger Brother
- 妹 (いもうと、imouto) = Younger Sister
- 姉妹 (しまい、shimai) = female cousin
- 兄弟 (きょうだい、kyoudai) = Male cousin
- いとこ (itoko) = cousin
- 叔母 (おば、oba) = Aunt
- 叔父 (おじ、oji) = Uncle
- 親戚 (しんせき、shinseki) = Relatives
- 祖母 (そぼ、sobo) = Grandmother
- 祖父 (そふ、sofu) = Grandfather
- 祖父母 (そふぼ、sofubo) = Grandparents
- 妻 (つま、tsuma) = Wife
- 夫 (おっと、otto) = Husband
- 夫婦 (ふうふ、fuufu) = Husband and wife
- 主人 (しゅじん、shujin) = Husband
- 家内 (かない、kanai) = Wife
- 息子 (むすこ、musuko) = son
- 娘 (むすめ、musume) = daughter
- 孫 (まご、mago) = Grandchildren of grandparents
- 甥 (おい、oi) = Nephew
- 姪 (めい、mei) = Niece
- 継母 (ままははmama haha) = Stepfather
- 継父 (ままははmama chichi) = Stepmother
- 義理の娘 (ぎりのむすめ、giri no musume) = Daughter in law
- 義理の息子 (ぎりのむすこ、giri no musuko) = Son in law
- 義兄 (ぎけい、gikei) = Brother in law
- 義姉 (ぎし、gishi) = Sister in law
- 義弟 (ぎてい、gitei) = Brother in law
- 義妹 (ぎまい、gimai) = Sister in law
Kosakata Keluarga (Orang lain)
- ご家族 (ごかぞく、gokazuku) = Family
- ご両親 (ごりょうしん、goryoushin) = Parent
- お父さん (おとうさん、otousan) = Father
- お母さん (おかあさん、okaasan) = Mother
- ご兄弟 (ごきょうだい、gokyoudai) = Sibling
- お兄さん (おにいさん、oniisan) = Older brother
- お姉さん (おねえさん、oneesan) = Older sister
- 弟さん (おとうとさん、otoutosan) = Younger brother
- 妹さん (いもうとさん、imoutosan) = Younger sister
- ご夫婦 (ごふうふ、gofuufu) = Husband and wife
- ご主人 (ごしゅじん、goshujin) = Husband
- 奥さん (おくさん、okusan) = Wife
- お子さん (おこさん、okosan) = Child
- 息子さん (むすこさん、musukosan) = Son
- 娘さん (むすめさん、musumesan) = Daughter
- お孫さん (おまごさん、omagosan) = Grandchildren of grandparents
- ご祖父母 (ごそふぼ、gosofubo) = Grandparent
- おじいさん (ojiisan) = Grandfather
- おばあさん (obaasan) = Grandmother
- ご親戚 (ごしんせき、goshinseki) = Relatives
- いとこ (itoko) = Cousins
- おじさん (ojisan) = Uncle
- いばさん (obasan) = Aunt
Examples of how to use family vocabulary:
- 私は姉が一人と弟が二人です. (わたしはあねがひとりとおとうとがふたりです、watashi wa ane ga hitori to otouto ga futari desu. I have one older sister and two younger brothers.
- あなたのお父さんの仕事はなんですか. (あなたのおとうさんのしごとはなんですか、anata no otousan no shigoto wa nan desuka). What is your father’s job?
- 恵さんのご主人はともやさんです. (めぐみさんのごしゅじんはともやさんです、megumi san no goshujin wa tomoya san desu). Megumi san’s husband’s name is Tomoya san.
- 私たちは三人家族です. (わたしたちはさんにんかぞくです、watashitachi wa san nin kazokudesu). Our family is made up of three people.
References :
Writer: AD
Editor: NF